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The Oil Industy: A Global Perspective

  • 2 Nov 2006
  • The Churchill, Hyatt Regency London 30 Portman Square London W1A 4ZX

The Oil Industy: A Global Perspective: The Peak Oil Debate


Topics covered:

  • Some recent trends in the petroleum industry: mergers and take-overs, globalisation, government influence, emergence of new players, enhanced status of gas, technological advances and innovations and decrease in global refining and tanker capacity
  • The main events of 2005/06
  • Overview of prices and politics of oil and gas – historical review of the price of oil since over the past 150 years (since 1861), why are the prices so high, short to medium term price scenarios and is the era of 'cheap oil' over?
  • Review of the major players in the past 25 years - private oil company rankings in terms of turnover and market capitalisation; state oil company rankings
  • Oil industry operations and workforce demographics
  • Reserves: definitions and global distribution by region and by country
  • Giant fields - definition and significance
  • The world's top 25 oil fields – locations and reserves
  • Global oil and gas production by region and by country
  • Global oil and gas trade and consumption
  • Total world hydrocarbon resources
  • Future world energy supplies - review of various ‘peak oil' scenarios
  • Selected recent publications
Dr Mohammad Ali Ala has been closely associated with the international oil industry for more than 30 years both as an exploration geologist with an independent oil company and as a consultant. He has a BSc in Oil Technology and an MSc, PhD and DIC in Petroleum Geology from Imperial College .

In 1972 he joined Seagull Exploration International and was involved in exploration studies and prospect evaluation in many parts of the world including Africa, northwest Europe, eastern Mediterranean, the Caribbean, south America and the Middle East . In 1976 he became the company's General Manager in London , responsible for its north European and Middle Eastern operations.

Since 1981 he has been a member of the academic staff in the Earth Science Department of Imperial College, rising to the post of Director of the internationally recognized MSc Petroleum Geoscience Course in 1994. Dr Ala has published more than 50 research and review articles, covering the Middle East and West Africa, focusing on the petroleum geology and oil industry of Iran and is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Petroleum Geology. He was also Editor in Chief of Seventy-Five Years of Progress in Oil Field Science and Technology , published in 1990. Since 1982 he has been organizing and presenting numerous industrial training programs in Europe , north Africa, west Africa and southeast Asia. Currently, Dr Ala is completing a textbook entitled The Acquisition and Interpretation of Modern Openhole Logs.

He is co-founder (1988) and Director of HydrocarbonsVenture Limited, a UK based organisation involved in consultancy and participation in exploration projects. Currently, he is Chairman of Azar Energy Qeshm , ( ) a company he co-founded in 2003 with the aim of participating in the Iranian oil and gas sector projects.

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